Thursday, May 26, 2022 | 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM (CDT)

Disability Justice in the Movement for Racial Justice

Disability Justice is a radically intersectional framework necessary to sharpen our political analysis, clarify our demands, and shape our everyday activism and organizing practice. Disability Justice offers radical and revolutionary ways of reimagining our relationships with ourselves, each other, and the communities where we live, work, and learn. During the global COVID-19 pandemic, Disability Justice offers urgent and vital interventions for addressing and ending the myriad harms of race science/eugenics, the medical/carceral industrial complex, and capitalist oppression. Disability Justice enables us to understand and examine interpersonal, systemic, structural, and institutional ableism and its intersections via legacies of pathologization with queermisia and transmisia, capitalism, settler-colonialism, and white supremacy. Disabled people at the margins of the margins have always been at the forefront of movements for justice and freedom, building networks of care and solidarity, and creating social and cultural transformations that enable us to experience rest and practice active love as co-teachers and co-learners.