Thursday, October 28, 2021 | 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (CT)

The Invisible Line that Divides & Unites Us: Racial Equity as a 21st Century Standard Humanizing the educational process & establishing 100% engagement

The process of education and globalization are the two most significant 21st century issues that our world faces. In order to address the impact of globalization, a transformation of our educational institution is required. We need to redefine what educational excellence is for each student, whether it is the high end achieving student or the low-end achieving student. We cannot achieve educational excellence for all students without addressing the inequity of certain students. Similarly, we cannot achieve global sustainability for the entire planet without addressing social justice for all human beings.

This session is designed for educators ready to engage in strategies that focus on dismantling systemic oppression. Many of us attend conferences with racial battle fatigue as a result of taking on both institutional and individual micro & macro aggression as others resist the necessary work for a more social just environment. Our motto - Don’t let your passion overcome your purpose. Participants will explore how to navigate their communities in a sustainable approach. Participants will identify differentiated engagement strategies that are culturally responsive to their community.

While oppression manifests uniquely in each community, do not mistaken that oppression is interconnected globally. This means that our liberation is in the global connections we make. What if we then could co-create language for our liberation?