Thursday, May 25, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM (CT)

Knowing Yourself & Building a Community of Belonging

Humans are psychologically wired to seek acceptance. Recent studies have found that 40% of employees feel isolated while 25% of employees feel they don’t belong at their workplace. Could humanity build more spaces where people feel they belong if we were all more self aware? Being self-aware is central to how we experience the world. It is what makes us human. One needs to put time and effort into cultivating an accurate self awareness of self. To know thyself is to know another. In this time in our history, where we continue to be in the midst of a stress epidemic, healthy, fulfilling, strong relationships and spaces are priceless to our physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. This session will be a liberating journey of self-discovery so that we all can embrace being more intentional about our individual and collective social consciousness and awareness because our attitudes and behaviors have an impact on all around us.