Tuesday, June 15, 2021 | 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM (CDT)

Cultural Resilience: Catapulting the Brilliance in Every Student

Can you imagine living with the label, “most likely to fail?” Why would a person carrying the weight of such a label want to engage? Can you imagine being burdened with the expectation “You can never fail?” Why would a person living with this burden wish to take any risks? These questions present all of us with the opportunity to ask how can we redefine educational excellence?

“Cultural Resilience” is what we call the competencies (inner strengths) acquired through diverse life experiences that often come from a difficult environment. Uncover how these competencies – critical analysis, adaptability, cross-cultural communication, and innovation – reflect and honor the wisdom of student’s lived experiences and create new, innovative standards and frameworks for educational equity and excellence. We propose that these lived experiences develop skills/competencies that have enabled people to survive these hardships or struggles.

Dr. Ladson-Billings states there is not an educational achievement gap, but rather- an educational debt- owed to society. The reality we face is that we must redefine educational excellence where every student- regardless of starting point- is engaged and expected to thrive in a culture of academic success. What if we had a strengths-based approach and had the key to translate those strengths into success in the classroom and the workplace? We invite you to discover how many of our most disfavored students have developed these skills through their lived experiences.