Thursday, May 25, 2023 | 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM (CT)

#CPRDiversity: Are You Ready?

CPR Diversity is based on Dr. Moore’s 25 years of experience as a Diversity Practitioner and the basic knowledge he believes we all must have when it comes to Diversity. This baseline knowledge is essential to navigate today’s world, could keep you from losing your job and literally save someone's life. The session will challenge the audience to examine and explore issues related to bias, privilege, equity, supremacy and belief systems. Additionally, we learn how to take action against individual and systemic racism, sexism, and other forms of oppression. We need #MooreLeaders #MooreCitizens committed to justice, equity and change across the world. Are you ready? This conversation/training is designed to explore the various challenges, complexities and emotions local, regional and national. My goal is to challenge us all with one important question: Are we changing/progressing? Now is the time for us to be #MooreCommitted, #MooreFocused and #MoorePrepared as we continue to be and inspire #MooreGoodTrouble across the globe.